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Crop Agriculture

LiDAR-Based Elevation, Topography & Drainage Layers

(For more information, see About Free LiDAR page and Downloading & Using Free High Resolution Elevation Data in Free QGIS Software Course in the LiDAR-Based Elevation & Drainage folder in Crop Agriculture Section to the left. While satellite imagery has worldwide coverage, the LiDAR-based elevation described here covers part of the USA)

For latest USA locations that have free LiDAR-based high-resolution elevation rasters available for download on The National Map, navigate to: https://viewer.nationalmap.gov/basic/ (opens in new window), then click Elevation Products, then click either 1 meter DEM Show Availability or 1/9 arc-second Show Availability (about 3-meter resolution). You can start to understand the data by first taking free Course 5A on this website (uses older Version 2 QGIS), or by downloading the the more recent Free QGIS software from this website (Version 3.4; has more features to work with elevation data, or go directly to the QGIS website for the most recent version) initially along with elevation data, and learning independently by searching on the QGIS website and/or internet for topics.

Free Downloads: LiDAR Elevation Data Comparison for a Field and Hydrology Layers 

 Complete Course 5A to Learn to Download & Use Free LiDAR Elevation


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