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Landsat Cornfield Yield Prediction / Phosphorus and Potassium Removal Mapping     

Related pages:  Landsat Correlation to Corn Yield    Interpolated Landsat Correlation to Corn Yield

Images transition every 4 seconds or click arrows or numbers); description appears below graphic. (Only pixels that completely represent surface within the field boundary should be used; high-resolution imagery of areas outside of field boundary [slides 2-5] are excluded for residential privacy reasons.)

Corn yield zones in Slide 4 above was converted to phosphorus removal based on a "newly revised" removal rate of .27 pounds per bushel (SDSU, 2014) to produce the phosphorus zones in Slide 5, from higher to lower, of 50.6, 47.7, 44.1, and 41.2 pounds per acre.

Corn yield zones in Slide 4 above can be converted to potassium removal based on a removal rate of .22 pounds per bushel (Mallarino and Sawyer, 2013) to produce zones, from higher to lower, of 41.2, 38.8, 36.0, and 33.6 pounds per acre.

(Removal rate values will vary depending on source. Recent and lowest values found were applied here). 

If applied correctly, Landsat can correlate highly to spatial patterns of corn yield. GIS Ag Maps can additionally calibrate Landsat values to corn yield to produce phosphorus and potassium removal maps; maps can be classified into zones (based on natural grouping of the data, or continuous. Contact GIS Ag Maps with question or more information.



Mallarino, A.P. and J.E. Sawyer. 2013. Update to Iowa phosphorus, potassium and lime reccomendations. Integrated Crop Management News. Iowa State University; Extension and Outreach. Published originally on 9/21/2013. Cited at: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/CropNews/2013/0920mallarinosawyer.htm

SDSU. 2014. iGROW. Recent news: Building Soil Phosphorus?  Posted March 6th, 2014. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007. Cited at:  http://igrow.org/news/building-soil-phosphorus/#sthash.wZTNH9vW.dpuf