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Burned Area Mapping; dNBR (Landsat shown)

Related pages: Sentinel-2 Live Fuel Moisture Content  Fire Spotting - Thermal    Post-Fire Erosion 

Free satellite imagery can be used along with free GIS software, or other GIS Software such as ArcGIS, to map the extent of a wildfire with the Difference Normalized Burn Index (dNBR) which is as follows:

dNBR = NBRprefire - NBRpostfire

where, NBR = (NIR - SWIR) / (NIR + SWIR)

(SWIR is band 7 for Landsat 5, 7, and 8; for Sentinel-2, use SWIR Band 12)


Images transition every 4 seconds (or click arrows or dots); description appears below graphic.

(The above graphics show dNBR map and steps for the 2002 Williams and Curve Fires in southern California.) 


Related Article:

Norton et al. 2009. Relative suitability of indices derived from Landsat ETM+ and SPOT 5 for detecting fire severity in sagebrush steppe.